Comparison of moral motivation in the thoughts of Allama Tabatabaei and McNaughton

Document Type : پژوهشی


1 Visiting Professor, University of Maragheh, Maragheh, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Payam Noor university, Mashhad, Iran.


The comparison of the thoughts of Allama Tabatabaei and McNaughton concerning the moral motivation can be conducted in two domains, i.e. origin of motivation and the internality and externality of the sources of motivation. In the domain of the origin of motivation, McNaughton only refers to the situation of the action and personal understanding of it while Allama highlights three factors of attention to worldly benefits, attention to otherworldly benefits and acquisition of divine satisfaction and he has also reduced the person’s understanding of the situation into one of these three factors. The point that deserves to be reflected in the the approach of McNaughton is his negligence of religion and the ethics/ religion relationship; what is undeniable in the perspective of Allama. In the domain of internality or externality of the sources of the moral motivation, one should mention the point that Allama considers the sources of motivation to be external, because paying attention to the worldly benefits, attention to the otherworldly benefits and acquisition of divine satisfaction are objectives that lie outside the human existence; but McNaughton believes that the person’s understanding of the situation is based on his internal motive.


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