The Quarterly Journal of Religious Research and Efficiency is ready to receive scientific-research articles on the following topics:

* Reflection of thoughts and new approaches and researches of professors and scholars in the field of religion.

* Spreading and expanding new religious ideas to enrich the effectiveness of religion.

* Improving the scientific level and creating research fields for professors of universities in the country and the world.

* Reflecting new scientific-research research in accordance with the needs in line with the production and promotion of science and solving the country's problems.

Publication period: Quarterly
Language: Persian (with English abstract)
Publication type: electronic
Type of access: free and open access
Acceptance percentage of articles: 21%
Type of arbitration: double blind
Average duration of the arbitration process: 13 days
Publishing fee: After the completion of the judging and the final approval of the judges and the editor and before the acceptance certificate is issued, the amount of 200 thousand Tomans will be collected from the authors as the cost of printing the article.

Journal of Religious Research and Efficiency examines plagiarism through Samimnoor website before sending article to referees.

Current Issue: Volume 4, Issue 1 - Serial Number 11, June 2024 

Publication Information

Indexing and Abstracting

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