Logical analysis and Theologicald Verse 22 of the prophets (Had there been within the heavens and earth gods besides Allah, they both would have been ruined)

Document Type : پژوهشی


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Science, Payam Noor, Tehran Branch, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Human science, University of Maragheh, Maragheh, Iran


Undoubtedly important and essential structures In the transmission of religious, theological and philosophical concepts It is the use of methods and methods that come up with a new and new approach. At In this regard it says interdisciplinary approach & studies In different areas of science; In the field of innovation for the audience and the knowledgeable With too much variety and precision and metering Be accepted. As we know New or symbolic logic One of the ways that was able to translate qualitative language into quantitative language and solved scribbles of natural language. With that in mind; We have tried in the present article With approach Logical analysis and Theological Verse 22 of the prophets On the Unity of God Be noted. In addition to that Intellectual & logical limitations(barriers) The assumption of a multitude of gods With approach Logical and Theological Obtain the proper explanation (unity of God). As will be pointed out Content analysis and structural analysis of the above verse was form of argument and being unequal It shows two propositions(A true example of logical construction and based on the principle Contradiction).
