Explaining Daniel Golman's Theory of Emotional Intelligence Based on the Views of Allameh Tabatabai

Document Type : پژوهشی


1 Associate Professor, Department of Department of islamic philosophy and theology, Faculty of theology, Qom University, Qom, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of psychology. Tehran North Branch, Islamic Azad University. Tehran. Iran.

3 Ph.D. student, Department of Theology, Faculty of Theology and Islamic studies, Azerbaijan Shahid Madani university, Tabriz, Iran.


Emotional intelligence is a fundamental element of human behavior that operates separately from cognitive intelligence. This intelligence, by balancing emotions and intellect, can maximize human success. Allameh Tabatabai believes that practical intellect can benefit human beings by modifying emotions.
Thus, emotional intelligence can be defined in the realm of practical reason. The purpose of this study is to explain the theory of emotional intelligence of Golman through Allameh's view on self-knowledge and practical intellect through analytical-descriptive method.
Findings show that the human soul is the main evidence of emotion and emotion is one of the qualities of the soul that is created by the forces of lust and anger. Just as emotional intelligence regulates emotions, so does practical intellect regulate lust and anger, and just as this intelligence is based on self-awareness; Allameh Tabatabai's theory-self-knowledge also relies on self-awareness.
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Emotion, Self-Knowledge, Practical Reason, Daniel Golman, Allameh Tabatabai


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