The theories of Deontological or Teleological Ethics and reason of the observance of moral values by God

Document Type : پژوهشی


Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Imam Khomeini's Educational and Research Institute, Qom, Iran.


One of the basic questions in the field of ethics is the observance of moral values by God. Virtue, Deontological & Teleological Ethics are three approaches in this regard. Followers of Virtue ethics have sought to justify the observance of values by God by relying on the attributes of divine perfection. Followers of Teleological ethics consider a specific goal as the source of moral value and determine other values and moral requirements based on it, & followers of Deontological ethics, introduce the must as the principal must and infer other moral musts and values from it. This article argues that the Deontological ethics is not only incapable of justifying the observance of moral values by God, but is fundamentally false. On the other hand, virtue and teleological ethics are not fundamentally different from each other. Third, teleological ethics has two different interpretations, only one of which can clarify the observance of moral values by God. By comparing these three approaches in an analytical way, this article examines the proofs of their correctness and validity and tries to provide the necessary explanation for the observance of moral precepts by God with a teleological approach.


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