Validation, assessment and evaluation of ritual ceremonies (sermon reading on the night of Imam Reza's martyrdom)

Document Type : پژوهشی


PhD in Sociology from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The present study examines assessment and evaluation of the ritual of reading the sermon on the night of the martyrdom of Imam Reza (as) in the holy shrine of Razavi. statistical Society is in three parts servants participating in the sermon reading ceremony, people present in the holy shrine of Razavi and the TV audience of the sermon reading program on the night of the martyrdom of Imam Reza (AS). sampling is random and the total sample size is 577. the main variables of ritual evaluation are religion recognition index and sermon evaluation index. phenomena and models that obtained from this research are the phenomenon of monotony due to high participation in the ceremony, content and semantics due to the importance of understanding one's identity as an observer or participant of the ritual, ritual generalization by observers for more spiritual and content connection with the ceremony, ritual behavioral appeal such as candle lighting for Media viewers and audiences, The model of behavioral attractiveness, content and ritual spiritualism for the observers (people) of the religion and the cognitive interpretive model resulting from the proper knowledge of the religion in the two groups of observers and media audiences.


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