The Role of Economic Independence in the authority of the Religious State (with Regard to Religious and Historical Sources)

Document Type : پژوهشی


Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Sciences, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.


One of the important goals of the resurrection of the prophets was to establish a righteous government, and that is the only way for Happiness of society. But the enemies of religion, relying on their power and wealth, have prevented this goal from being achieved. Given the role of the infidels' wealth in creating obstacles for the lofty goals of the prophets, This question arises that what is the economic strategy of religious thought to Confronting the economic arrogance of the taghuts and Increase its authority against enemies? The present study by Using analytical methods and reviewing religious sources and historical evidence examines the hypothesis that all individual and political dimensions of economic independence are emphasized by Islam, and believes that as economic weakness increases the domination of enemies and prevents the achievement of lofty goals, economic power increases the authority and political influence of Islam.
This research finally concludes that religious thought considers the financial independence and economic capability of the Islamic society and government important to gain independence and face the pressures of the enemies and the Leader of the Islamic Revolutions emphasis on resistance economics and economic jihad is rooted in religion and historical experiences.
