Analyzing the lived experience of the students of Bahonar University in Kerman about the factors, contexts and consequences of Apostasy and ways to get out of it

Document Type : پژوهشی


1 Phd in Curriculum Studies Hormozgan University and Lecturer at Farhangian University, Shahid Rajaei Campus, Iran.

2 Master's student of History and Philosophy of Education, Bahnar University, Kerman, Iran.

3 Phd. Student in Philosophy of Education, Departmant of Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.


Apostasy is a relatively emerging phenomenon in the religious society of Islamic Iran, which threatens the youth and students of this country. Therefore, the present study was conducted through a qualitative and phenomenological way in order to investigate the factors, contexts and consequences of Apostasy and the students' outgoing solutions. The scope of this study included the students of Bahonar University of Kerman, the participants were selected purposefully using the snowball sampling. In order to collect data, semi-structured interviews were used and the data obtained reached saturation by interviewing 14 people. To analyze the collected data, Strauss and Corbin's three-step coding (open, axial and selective) and MAXQDA 12 software were used as data analysis tool. The results of the present study showed that financial and religious issues, incorrect upbringing and cultural invasion were considered as causal conditions, cultural, economic, religious, environmental and social factors as context conditions, personal and social factors as consequences, religious enlightenment and targeted education as strategies or solutions to prevent apostasy. , it is suggested that codified and coherent programs for religious education and getting out of apostasy should be designed and be implemented with utmost precision at different levels of society.


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