Anthropological foundations of Islamic economic system based on Allameh Tabatabai's point of view

Document Type : پژوهشی


1 دانشگاه فرهنگیان

2 Research Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought


Identity and rationality and the foundations defined for humans, the foundation of the formation of the economic system as one of the most important

It is the pillars of social life. The present research, using the ijtihad method, seeks to explain the causal relationships between

The anthropological foundations and principles of the economic system are based on library data. Including

The prominent thinkers of the Islamic world, who can present a comprehensive Islamic economic system by analyzing his anthropological theories, is Allameh Tabatabai (RA).According to the findings of this research, Allameh's anthropological foundations by expressing the theory of nature

Purposefulness, multidimensionality of man, hedonism, dignity, justice in human powers and the principle of human ownership, the need to preserve human dignity and the need to realize the economic system

It has proved the justice-oriented as well as the temporal ownership of man in this structure and thus the desired economic system

Offers. Carrying out economic activity under such a structure causes the preference of hereafter happiness over worldly profit and attention

Twins are important for this world and the hereafter, and one of the factors for the realization of a good life and a happy human life


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