Identifying and measuring the importance of the reasons for the sanctity of usury in the Islamic economic system from the point of view of contemporary economic experts

Document Type : پژوهشی


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Economics, Ahlul Bayt International University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Economics, Ahlul Bayt International University, Tehran, Iran.

3 M.S of Economic Sciences, Islamic Economics, Ahlul Bayt International University (AS), Tehran, Iran.


The sanctity of usury is not explicitly condemned in the Qur'an and hadiths . In the present study, first, the most obvious and effective characteristics of the wisdom and philosophy of usury are identified by presenting rational and narrative reasons, using the Delphi method in three stages, which are: "No increase and blessing of property in economic life , "Hindering constructive economic efforts", "weakening human emotions", "exploiting the masses", "oppression", "increasing poverty", "creating a class divide", "reducing the payment of alms and zakat", "lack of progress and development" , "Contrary to chastity" and "not doing good deeds". Then, each of these characteristics has been provided and studied in the statistical community of economic experts of universities and prestigious scientific centers in Tehran and Qom. At this stage, using the T-TEST test, the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of each of the characteristics of wisdom and philosophy of usury has been examined. All of the above characteristics have been confirmed by contemporary economic thinkers except "immorality". Then, using Friedman test, the importance and effectiveness of each of the characteristics have been investigated. "Deterrence from constructive economic endeavors" has been recognized by contemporary economic thinkers as the most important wisdom and philosophy of usury.
