Three Stages of Argument according to Three Philosophical Journeys

Document Type : پژوهشی


Associate Professor, Faculty of Theology, University of Tabriz


In the all non-existential arguments, there is a degree of multiplicity, which is the inherent characteristic of the first journey. One of the aspects of the reflection of this multiplicity in the arguments of "body, movement, contingency, cognition of the soul, opinion on the complement world and etc.," is that in all of them "holy traveler (=sằlịk), path (=mằslặk), mằsloửkửn-mẽnh and mằsloửkửn-ẽlayh- except for a negligible difference in the soul - are different from each other. In the meantime, the argument of righteous (= sẽdiqqin) is an argument that, according to Ibn Sina's interpretation, it is claimed that existence itself does not come from anything other than existence itself. Some sages criticized the argument of righteous of Mulla Sadra that, like Ibn Sina`s argument, he has used the existence of creatures to prove the existence of God. This article believes that each of the arguments of Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra follow the requirements of their stages. Therefore, in terms of the characteristics of the stage, it is the argument of righteous under one condition, and under another condition, it is not the argument of righteous, unless the logic and knowledge of another wisdom is used.


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