Spiritual-Carthusian Theology in and Saint Bruno and Gazali: A Comparative Survey

Document Type : پژوهشی


University of Kashan


Saint Bruno of Cologne, the founder of Carthusian sect, in one of the less famous figures in the history of Christianity. He has some similarity in his thoughts and religious life style with Gazali. Both of them lived in a same period and had a reformist approach on their wrong religious traditions. Saint Bruno tried to notice the incorrect beliefs in the Christian morality and mysticism. Also Gazali thought that many beliefs in the Islamic traditions and sects are incorrect and should be rejected or reformed. In addition, Bruno and Gazali experienced similar spiritual transformations in their religious life. Both of them in a special period vacated their benefices and posts, so that driveled to the seclusion. But Bruno has not any written book, like Gazali. Also Gazali used especial elaborated language in his books, unlike Bruno. In spite of their differences in language and culture, they try to found a spiritual solution for their psychological and spiritual crisis. In the present article, we will try to first explain Bruno and Gazali's life and thought on spirituality, and then compare their similarities and differences in finding especial solution for their spiritual crisis.


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