Acknowledgment of background or new narration; Duality in understanding the Quranic stories

Document Type : پژوهشی


kharazmi university


In the process of understanding the stories of the Qur'an, sometimes an interpretive opinion, on one hand, is confirmed by the historical background of the story in Jewish or Christian sources, but on the other hand, certain Quranic expressions weaken it.
In this situation, the interpreter of the Qur'an can follow a second path ; that is, to ignore the historical background of the story and to understand the narrative of the Quran independently and separately. Based on this, the interpreter of the Qur'anic stories sometimes faces two paths, i.e. to consider or to disregard background. This research analyzes four interpretation issues in which these two paths are clearly seen. These four issues include:
1- Who was Abraham's sacrifice? Isaac or Ishmael?
2-Were the tablets of Moses broken or not?
3-Were the calf worshipers killed or not?
4-Did Jonah belong to the unpunished tribe or not?
The basis of the research is to remain on the historical background, unless the intention of the Qur'an is certain on a different narration. Following this rule, in the first two issues, we have preferred to preserve the background and in the next two issues, we have preferred to disregard the background.


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