Politicizing the urban environment of the Prophet is an effective strategy for the realization of social harmony

Document Type : پژوهشی




The pre-Islamic cities of Hijaz faced challenges such as differentiation and the formation of fluid identities. Therefore, consequences such as citizens' lack of fair facilities and the creation of bigoted and unstable privileges caused a lack of social agreement.
However, with the beginning of the Prophet's urban environment policies, while creating opportunities for social life practice, harmony and convergence became one of the most prominent rules governing the lives of citizens, the re-examination of the components of urbanization in the Prophet's era, explaining the efficient urban elements, is considered one of the most important areas of religious research.Therefore, this descriptive-analytical research seeks to answer the main question, which of the
Based on library sources, the results show; The emergence of innovative and guiding ideas, which originated from the essence of Islam, was able to transform elements of pre-Islamic urban life. So that solutions such as the abolition of discriminatory traditions put the newly founded Islamic society at highest level of harmonious life. In addition, with the objectification of consensus as a fundamental plan in social order, the sharing of interests between citizens became meaningful; And under the shadow of accepted religious norms, new life based on faithful life was realized.


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