A Comparative Study of Allameh Tabatabaiy's and Sheikh Mohammad Abdoh's Method in Solving the Conflict between the Quran and Science

Document Type : پژوهشی


1 Islamic Education and Education, Farhangian University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Farhangian University of Urmia, Iran


Due to the expansion of experimental sciences and the certainty of these sciences and the influx of this idea from western world to the Islamic world, one of fundamental doubts in new era is the conflict between science and Quran. The conflict between science and the Quran means that there is an apparent inconsistency between the propositions of science and the Qur'an on a single subject, although a real conflict between the Quran and science is inherently impossible. Since Islamic thinkers such as Tabatabayi and Abdoh, have tried to resolve this conflict, the present research aims to to examine, criticize and compare principles and methods of these two thinkers, with a descriptive analytical method to solve problem. In this regard, some of the views of these thinkers are: according to Tabatabai, experimental sciences cannot judge about verses related to supernatural. In the comparison between experimental sciences and the scientific verses of Qur'an, the separation between scientific certainty and non-certainty should be considered. Abdoh believes that Quran evolves in sync with human thought; therefore, it is inevitable to change some rulings due to the necessity of science; for this reason, the interpretation of some occult concepts of the Quran is allowed.


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