Effective aspects of achieving the position of wisdom in society and its effect on lifestyle

Document Type : پژوهشی


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Theology, University of Tabriz

2 Level 3 seminary


The system of existence and the system of this material world are designed and governed based on Divine Wisdom, and on the other hand, Divine Wisdom is the origin of actual wisdom in human life. Therefore, as the caliph of God, by being created with the Attribute of Divine Wisdom, man can realize a wise life for himself and others in the society. Therefore, this research, by using the descriptive-explanatory method, wants to answer the basic question that what are the effective aspects of achieving the position of wisdom in society and what effect can it have on human life style? In this research, it has been tried for applying the belief in the Attribute of Divine Wisdom, first the Wisdom of God from different aspects and then the effects of faith in His Wisdom in human life. The findings of the research show that belief in Divine Wisdom in society and the creation of human beings as wisdom in giving meaning to life, strengthening the family, protecting the privacy of the family, responsibility and prosperity, making firm of work, production of knowledge, wisely using and etc., have a v very important role. The results of the this research show that man finds real life based on the belief in God, the Wise, and in this style of life, man naturally considers the model that has the most harmony to achieve closeness to God as desirable in his personal and social life. Therefore, with his own will and authority, he puts all his life's affairs in the path of this goal and all the actions and attributes of man have the Divine color and smell, and in this way, the functions and different aspects of man can be transformed into the manifestation of God.


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